
Embrace Slow Fashion with Sustainable Clothing Brands

Embrace Slow Fashion

“Clothes can take up to 40 years to decompose” – Yes, it is a fact. Once you have thrown your discarded clothes, they do not vanish immediately. Moreover, these clothes adversely damage the environment while decomposing as they are made through various dyes and chemicals. 

Let’s begin our blog with understanding the simple techniques and steps to avoid accepting irrational methods of clothing and adopting a slow fashion in the best possible way. As most of us were once a part of fast fashion and had faced problems shifting to slow fashion, it has led to few difficulties in this paradigm shift. Sustainable clothing brands repurpose used clothing to reduce waste and create unique and stylish pieces. We are the youth who are grown up with a habit to buy more than we need, and sometimes, we are not the ones who have been trained or taught about the benefits of donating our clothes effectively.

Most of our unused clothes undoubtedly had been disposed of in a landfill many times. But it is high time to realize the damage we were causing to the ecosystem was severe. We were doing it unconsciously; we must reform our shopping patterns and change the purchasing into an elegant and meaningful manner. Sustainable clothing can help you feel confident in your clothing and in your choices.

After reforming from those less sustainable ways and embracing and adopting slow fashion in our lives, it has made a huge difference in the little efforts that have been made. The maximum contribution that our society accepts and promotes is zero waste products through thoughtful and necessary purchasing. It has been a major reason for this dramatic change. It has conveniently helped all of our lives and has saved money as well.

With the positive changes that are enhancing society, it is clearly understood that slow fashion is nothing but action and reaction to fast fashion with this circumstance. It’s meaningful, intentional, and holistic. It’s also an issue that needs to be sorted, an argument that needs to be settled to lessen the speed of excessive production, disastrous supply chains, and unnecessary overconsumption of textiles. It is being sustainable and promoting zero waste products and sustainable brands.

From transforming our shopping habits that are almost out of control to being aware of the supply chain of our preferred brands, a conscious concern for your clothes and their making has a positive impact on the environment.

Following are some of the ways through which you can be a part of the slow and sustainable fashion movement: –

Manage Your Wardrobe that is Limited to Only What You Need and Love

It is the first and foremost step to embrace slow fashion with sustainable clothing brands. But, first, start keeping a keen check on your shopping habits. Buying unnecessary extra clothes that prove to allure and please your mind is not a very good option. Welsh clothing brands are leading the way in sustainable fashion, with a focus on using recycled materials and ethical production methods. The long-term effect of this practice is disastrous. It will result in the piling of lots of clothes that remain unused in our wardrobes. And, frankly speaking, this is not classy!!!

Instead, shop sensibly and thoughtfully and buy what you require or like enough to wear frequently. Not to push up your wardrobe. You can also go for smart options that are also economical. For example, instead of purchasing the dress, you can use clothing rentals, an upcoming trend for any particular occasion. This new fashion trend will be a grave threat to fast fashion brands shortly.

Be Specific in Choosing Materials

According to the World Resources Institute, almost 2,700 litres of water are used to make one cotton shirt. Isn’t the figure frightening??? With a huge amount of water intake and chemical usage, one cotton shirt proves to be a series threat to our nature. Therefore, it is important to know what material you are choosing for you and how that material impacts the environment.

Speak up for Labour Exploitation and Say no to Sweatshops

Wardrobes have always appreciated the cheap and wholesale clothing market. But we must understand that does it justify the human efforts that the helpers have made. We must ensure that this clothing must not harm any human effort or natural resources. In 2013, Rana Plaza in Bangladesh faced a big clash, killing 1,134 people in charge of manufacturing the clothes for international brands under dangerous conditions. It is hard to accept, but this is not the first and only time that human damage is caused in clothing manufacturing, in which people frequently face exploitative working conditions.

If we start demolishing these brands that have been in the news for the same cause, the industry will be forced to take measures for workers’ welfare. So let the brand be as popular, trendy; if it’s not ethical, start saying “NO”.

Choose Local, and Encourage Fair-Trade

Choosing local is again a good technique to start your journey towards being sustainable and help the environment. First, buying local keeps your carbon footprint a little lower as it has travelled less to reach your wardrobe. Secondly, it promotes local talent and hard work. Finally, it is also beneficial for the economy of our country. India is known for countless handlooms and innovative crafts, but many of them are vanishing due to our ignorance. These artists need recognition, patronage, and support for their craft traditions to prevail in the market. 

Lastly: Recycle, Upcycle and Donate

While many of us are aware of and acknowledge the immortality of plastic, landfills are also choked by huge quantities of clothing. Furthermore, while organic fabrics are bio-degradable, synthetics are again non-degradable. So it is again a question of worry about using plastic and other non-bio-degradable items that make their way into clothing via buttons, zips, and other elements. 

Therefore, it is advised to style up your old clothes, reuse them or try some DIYs to make them look attractive and ensure that you don’t just toss away your clothes. You can even repair your clothes or donate them to someone in need. Many NGOs and other organizations can take care of your old clothes by crafting refurbished products as well.

Author Bio:

We at UpcycleLuxe “Sustainable Fashion Marketplace” envision to build a community for sustainable fashion brands in India. With a mission to accelerate the transition towards sustainable fashion, we are committed to renewing the importance of sustainable clothing in India.

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